New house bought, what now?
Are you planning an extension or upgrade?
Is your home cold and damp?
Do you have high energy bills?
  • If you can answer any of the above questions with YES, then getting a Building Energy Rating (BER) assessment done on your home is the right way to START!
  • A BER assessment will determine the actual state of your home in terms of energy performance and help you to decide on the best energy efficiency improvement works tailored to your home. 
  • Most houses built before 1990 score a BER rating of D or worse, which means there is a lot of energy and money being wasted.
  • A well insulated house improves the comfort in your home greatly and requires less energy to heat. Why? Because it keeps the heat where it should be – inside – and the heating system doesn’t need to work as hard to replace the heat that would be lost from your home without insulation.
  • The first item a lot of new homeowners consider is replacing the flooring of their home. This is exactly the time when you should improve the insulation and airtightness of your ground floor. It will save you from ripping out the expensive flooring later again. 
  • If a new extension affects more than 25% of the existing building surface area (exterior) then the existing part of the building has to be brought up to a B2 rating or the cost optimal performance level according to current building regulations.
  • If your home is undergoing renovations that require planning permission or you want to claim for your grant payment, a post-work BER is necessary.


Want to know more? Get in contact with Susanna BER Assessor!